Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Girls Gone Wise Book Blog 9: Roles

Point of Contrast 9: Roles
Who are the People in a Real Love Story?

A guy in high school reported that he tried to open the doors between buildings for the girls as a polite gesture only to have them stand back and say "I can open the door for myself, thank you!" He wasn't romantically interested in the girls, he was just trying to treat them as ladies; unfortunately they didn't appreciate the honor. Treating women with gentleness and respect is part of the Master Designer's plan for men and women. God has established certain roles that are unique to men and to women. Grasping this design is an important pathway to understanding who you are. Genesis 1:27 reads "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Both men and women are created in the image of God, with personality, emotions and the ability to think and relate. They are equally related to God as image bearers, more like Him than any other creatures in the world. But there were some unique aspects of the design of each gender that are woven carefully into the account of their creation. Stay with me here; it will take a little more explanation to see God's big picture developing but the beauty comes together in the end!

God's Unique Design for Man

Mary Kassian explains in GGW that man is unique in the following ways:
1. He was created first. The first born male always has responsibilities in Scripture.
(Genesis 2:7)
2. God created Adam outside of Eden and brought him to his home there. (Genesis 2:15)
3. God assigned Adam work to do before the fall. (Genesis 2:15)
4. God assigned Adam responsibility to keep or protect the garden. (Genesis 2:15)
5. God gave Adam spiritual instructions about his behavior. (Genesis 2:16-17)
6. God gave Adam authority and responsibility in naming and governing over the garden.
(Genesis 2:19-20)

God's Unique Design for Woman

1. God created the woman from out of the man. (Genesis 2:21-22)
2. God created the woman to be a counterpart or helper for the man. (Genesis 2:18)
3. God created the woman with unique abilities to cooperate with the man in carrying out God's plan for them that neither of them could carry out alone. (Genesis 2:18)
4. God created the woman and brought her to the man indicating his leadership responsibility in the home. (Genesis 2:22-23)
5. God created the woman unique from the man to compliment Him. (Genesis 2:23) See the Hebrew language comments below.
6. God created the woman in the garden, a place of safety.

Adam had been in fellowship with God in the beginning, and the work he was doing in naming animals and keeping the garden kept him busy. No doubt he realized that all the animals had a partner and that he did not. When God caused his first born son to fall into a deep sleep, he took a rib from his side and fashioned a woman. The original language gives a beautiful picture of God's handiwork. The Hebrew name for the male is "ish" which means strong. The female is "isha" which means soft. Though the words indicate that both the male and female have some very profound similarities; they also are fashioned to be distinct. The strong one and the soft one were joined together as partners in the first home.
God had made Adam to work and protect the garden; he was brought to the garden by God, not created there as Eve was. He was given authority as is seen in his work of naming. Always in Scripture, the person who names has authority over the person being named. Adam named the woman Eve, but God is the One who named Adam. Do you see the difference? God told Adam what the boundaries were about eating the fruit from the trees and he later bore the responsibility for their sin even though Eve took the first bite because God had given him the instructions before Eve was created.
The woman was created as a helper fit for Adam. In the Hebrew this word is "ezer"; it is a word that is used many times in the Old Testament, but it is mostly used in reference to God.
God is the helper who comes alongside of man. Along the same thought process, woman has been given the unique role to come alongside of the man. She was given to assist him in achieving the great blessings that God had for them. For instance, God told them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28) which was a command which neither of them could fulfill alone. Their partnership was to bring them intimacy,and a deep companionship. (Genesis 2:24-25)
We all know that Adam and Eve did not obey the commands that God had given to them in the garden and so their perfect lives fell apart. What was supposed to be a loving leadership role for Adam was harmed in the fall and the one that was supposed to be a loving compliment for Adam wound up taking authority and leading both of them into a broken relationship with God. They had to leave their home and its safety as well as experience broken fellowship with God because of their rebellion.

Designer Insights

The picture here is that the relationship between the man and the woman are symbolic of Christ and His church. God sent His son to the earth as a Heavenly Bridegroom
to gather to Himself a Bride which the Bible tells us is the church, the ones that have received His forgiveness and given themselves to Him. It is the ultimate love story! The King comes to the earth, pays the price to win the Bride through His death and promises to return for her and take her forever. Our relationships on earth are supposed to reflect this pattern which is always before us. Marriage, sex and families are mirrors that reflect the greater image of Christ and His Bride. Now the Bride of Christ looks to Him for guidance and protection and loves Him deeply, and is always preparing for His coming.

Read Matthew 19:4-6 Do you think that it is important that Jesus is using the exact words from Genesis about the creation of both the male and the female?

Since the fall, both men and women have abused their roles. Men have been pushy and selfishly demanding toward women and women have inappropriately manipulated men as well. Being selfish is natural, but girls, to act in a godly way is to have heart that is willing to be led. So when it comes time to marry, you should look for a godly gentleman that you will be able to follow.

Read 1 Peter 3:4-7 What insights about the way a man and woman treat each other in marriage can you gain from this passage?

Read Revelation 19:7 Do you see how marriage reflects the relationship of Jesus to His Bride, the Church?


  1. Wonderful post Mrs.Moffett, I'm glad I found your blog. It was so good seeing you today.

    Much Love,
